Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cleaning and Stain Prevention/Removal

A dirty doll is a loved doll... but that doesn't mean we can't clean them ;)

Dolls eventually need a good bath, whether they're handled often or just sat up on display. A lot of things can cause a doll to get dirty: oils on our skin, dust, what we sit them on, even their own wig and clothing.

Magic Sponges/Erasers
You'll want to buy some magic sponges. The Mr. Clean Magic Erasers are widely available in most stores, including Walmart. Just check out the cleaning supplies isle. These little babies will take off most grime, and even a lot of stains. A lot of faceup artists use these to aid in old faceup removal. Magic erasers do have slight sandpaper-like qualities so be careful when using them on your doll's face (or body if blushed). You'll want to be very careful when using these on tan dolls, as it can remove the coloring if you're too heavy handed. Wet the sponge and wring it out good before use. You can get a lot of use out of just one too, so they're a must-have for doll owners.

Tricky Stains
Sometimes a stain really sets into the resin, and a magic sponge just won't get it out. You can use a fine-grit sandpaper and gently buff these stains away. Use a light hand, since you are actually removing the top layer of resin. You don't want to end up completely altering your doll's appearance. You will not want to sand a tan skin doll in any way, as it will take off the coloring.

Stain Prevention

There are some ways to help prevent staining in the first place.

-Soaking your doll's dark-colored clothing in vinegar before wear sets the dye in the cloth, helping to keep it from staining your dolls body.

-Silicone wig caps under your doll's wig can not only help your doll's oversized wigs fit better, but also keep dark wigs from staining your doll's head. If you don't want to buy a wig cap, you can fashion one out of cling wrap.

-You can't really use the old vinegar soak trick for shoes, so put socks on your doll to keep their feet clean.

-Wash your hands before handling your doll. Also, make sure to position your doll's head by grabbing them behind the ears. This keeps you from accidentally damaging the faceup. You want to avoid getting the faceup dirty, since it's more delicate to clean.

Heavy Duty Cleaning

About once a year or so, I like to give my dolls a good rub-down with 100% acetone. It removes just about anything that a magic eraser can't. This is hardcore stuff, so please be very careful if you decide to use it on your own doll. Some owners have reported bad resin reactions to acetone, so you'll have to decide for yourself if you want to give it a try. I haven't had any bad experiences with it yet. Work quickly with it, and never soak your doll in it. Wash parts with dish soap and warm water after, because acetone will melt resin with prolonged contact. Do not use on any aesthetic work... it will take it all off.

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